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Antoinette M. Janecki


SOHO, NY (212) 925-4742 - Greenport Studio, weekends by appt. (631) 804-2685

The New York Times, 3/3/2002, Helen Harrison's review of the East End Art Council's juried show:

"Brilliant color is also a hallmark of Antoinette Janecki's small pastel, "Surf at Montauk," in which sea and sky are equally animated."


Dan's Paper, April 18, 2003, Art Commentary with Marion Wolberg Weiss, reviewing The Rich Fiedler Gallery:

".. Antoinette Janecki's pastel landscapes add an arresting note to the display upstairs."


The New York Times, 5/3/1998, Westchester Weekly - The Guide
"Freshly Made Art Auction" (about the Garrison Art Center's Event)

".. Each year the original drawing announcing the event is auctioned, and a limited edition of signed prints is offered for sale. Antoinette Janecki, an artist from Manhattan, created this year's invitational postcard depicting a scene from last year's auction"


The Villager, 9/12-22/1991, Reporter's Notebook
"Gather to Celebrate as Washington Sq. Art Show Marks It 60th Year"

"... her 'great love' is making art, as evidenced by her pastel, 'Staten Island Ferry,' which won second prize in the pastel category. This marked the second time she has exhibited in the Washington Square Show, and she also exhibits her work in upstate Garrison, New York"


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